This booklet is the second of many planned works that provide instruction in the correct and safe methods of gunsmithing. Specifically, this essay discusses Headspacing guns and ammunition.
A basic understanding of headspace and how it affects the proper operation of a firearm are necessary if you wish to call yourself a gunsmith. Otherwise all you will be able to do is change parts with the hope that somehow the problem will go away. This booklet contains all the information a gunsmith or reloader needs in order to understand and diagnose headspace in either the gun or the ammunition.
Fred Zeglin along with other well-known Gunsmiths has begun the task of creating this series of instructional manuals. Each book will focus on one narrow subject in Gunsmithing. Written with an audience in mind who want to know every detail of the how and why of gunsmithing.
Each book in the series will provide a highly detailed and Technical explanation of the subject at hand in a way that any gun lover will be able to understand, whether professional or hobbyist.
52 pages, soft bound.
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